Dynamic Runtime Project

Mar 13 2019

For those who have read prior articles in this blog, you will see an emphasis on using data to drive application design. And when I say data, I do not mean data stored in database tables, but data created using code or stored in files in source code. Recently, I started trying to look for other developers that may have come to similar conclusions to my own, but I have yet to find a kindred soul. As I explained in the prior blog, this is due to the ambiguity in terms like schema, runtime, and dynamic making it impossible to create a good google search to find people with similar ideas to my own. 

I got so frustrated, that I asked the question, has anybody registered a domain name using a combination of my search terms? For example, picking two of the most generic of my terms, surely somebody has created a website with a domain name that joins the words dynamic and runtime. So I looked to see if there was a website with domain name dynamicruntime.com or dynamicruntime.org and I was shocked to discover that nobody had yet thought to register this domain name. So, in a challenge to the world at large, I have registered both dynamicruntime.org and dynamicruntime.com under the ownership of Gyassa Software and I have set up a website at https://dynamicruntime.org.

Fortunately, during the last few months, I have had the opportunity to focus exclusively on my own projects. During these months I decided to investigate AWS and all the amazing things it allows software developers do for free. As part of that effort, I created the github account https://github.com/sampwhite/dynamicruntime where I have put my recent labors. It is all under the MIT license, so feel free to steal or copy any of it. This repository is the code base for the website that is now deployed at dynamicrruntime.org.

The thing I like most about this project is the speed with which the server starts up. By eschewing the standard large frameworks (such as Spring) and writing endpoint implementations from scratch, I am able to keep the start up time under five seconds. And this is for an application that automatically creates database tables and implements a full login implementation that supports two step authentication using email. The code base has other nice characteristics that come from avoiding the usage of third party frameworks. For example the method call stacks are fairly shallow and IntelliJ just loves the code.


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