Dynamic Runtime Schema

Nov 14 2018


Before I launch into a discussion of the this topic, I wish to talk about a couple of frustrations I have with trying to find prior art. If you google the combination of words dynamic, runtime, and schema you do not find discussions about the general topic of dynamically building schema definitions during the runtime of an application. Instead you find odds and ends where somebody may be adding a few custom metadata fields or doing something with schema that just happens to be dynamic and the word runtime just happens to show up in the content. Other words I have tried are words such as builder, definition, and designer with likewise little profit. I have targeted code repositories such as github and the most I have found is graphql like solutions. I have a similar problem with data-driven. To me an example of data-driven is when you take a graphics solution that has classes Point, Line, Triangle, Rectangle, Square, etc. and you turn all the classes into a single class called Polygon with a simple list of points and constraint criteria on the points. But with big data becoming such a popular subject, data-driven has become to mean the processing of data without reference to implementation details.

Also when you search for the term schema you also get ambiguity. For example in many of my searches, schema seems to be equated with configuration or XML document definitions. It does not have anything to do with web application artifacts such as endpoints or database tables. We take a moment to define what we mean by the word schema. In our case, schema is the structural definitions of all aspects of your application. For endpoints, this includes the endpoint path, the security rules being applied, the allowable inputs, and the expected outputs. It also includes any additional tags, classification, and descriptions. For database tables this not only includes a definition of the database table, it also includes the definition of the primary key, indexes, foreign key relationships, friendly field labels, and descriptions.


If you have read the prior articles in this blog on runtime data differencing, one of the obvious themes is that code should be turned into data whenever it is reasonable to do so. When you take this approach to doing coding and apply it to schema, you find yourself at odds with popular practice. Popular practice is to define schema at compile time. You use reflection to dig through the definition of classes and pull in all the annotations. This is static schema where the entire design of endpoints or tables are defined directly as hardwired artifacts in the code itself. Currently the most dominant version of this approach for Java is Spring Boot and Hibernate. The approach is popular because it has a quick on-ramp to getting a working solution and it, at least initially, can eliminate a lot of boilerplate code. I should say that there are many projects where using compile time schema makes a lot of sense. However, I wish to focus on projects where such an approach does not make sense, since from my google searching, there is little discussion on this point.

Why Runtime Schema

One of the motivating examples for using runtime (or dynamic) schema is when you want to allow a client to design aspects of the application using a browser. This can include creating (or augmenting) database tables, defining indexes, and writing simple scripts for logic execution. A classic example of this is a general purpose tool for designing simple form applications. The general theme is that underlying engine that provides this functionality has no compile time understanding of the database tables, or at least part of the database tables. 

However, there are other reasons for why you might want runtime schema. For example, many database applications follow common design patterns and you might want to separate the definition of those patterns from the other parts of your schema definition. For example, database tables tend to have a counter for a primary key and they have dates for tracking when the row was created and last updated. Other common patterns can show up. There may be columns to identify the consumer who owns the data, a transaction identifier to identify the last transaction that acted on the data, error report fields, state transition fields, and so on. And lastly (and sometimes critically), there may be a column whose data is designed to shard the database table. All of these columns may then have standard indexes applied to them and there may be predictable query patterns as well. I call such fields that are part of the general common table design patterns, protocol fields. They are the price you pay in order to store the data you actually care about. In an application that uses runtime schema builders, the definitions of tables would be a core set of data fields, some custom indexes, and a list of references to the common design patterns. This definition would not have direct references to any of the protocol fields. The code would instead pull in the protocol fields from the referenced common design patterns. Also the code would build some preliminary queries focused on the protocol fields and supply the general logic for how the protocol fields are implemented.

A similar argument can be made about endpoints. For example, there are commonly fields in the response data that describe how long the request took and how many rows were returned. Many of the endpoints may apply identical security rules. The endpoints may follow similar patterns for paging through result sets. There also maybe common approaches to error handling. So just like database tables, endpoint schema have their own protocol fields with exactly the same types of issues with abstracting the handling of the general endpoint logic from the specifics of a particular endpoint.

Consequences and Perks

If you go down this path, one thing immediately happens. You cannot define Java classes (for the remainder of this discussion we assume the language is Java, but a similar argument can be made for any language) that reference all the fields in the database table. The classes can only define fields that are relevant to that class. In many cases, this means the objects must hold a reference to a general Map of data holding all the row data with only partial extraction into actual declared fields. I call this pattern light-weight' data contracts. The Java classes only know a portion of the rules being applied to the data, they do not have knowledge of all the possible fields or values in the data. The classes that participate in the data flow logic only alter portions of the data as it flows through code. Different areas of the code focus on different aspects of the data with different areas of the code isolated logically from each other. Also, the Java classes may reference various fields by aliases and not by the actual names used in the database. This allows the code to apply common patterns to the data by pulling in data through indirect references.

There are some other perks of defining schema in data separately from the code. It is easier to write archiving or migration logic, especially if you put rules for doing archiving and migration into the metadata of the schema. You can also publish the schema as a dictionary and write automated inspectors that validate the correctness and completeness of the schema. The schema can also help in automated tests where random data generation is required. The schema would define what would be reasonable random data.

How to do Schema

So suppose you accept the idea that you have to define your schema compactly in data. The next question is how best to do this. One approach is to define the schema in data files, such as JSON files. This can be useful if you wish a client to publish new changes to the schema. But there is an alternate approach that gives you some of the advantages of compiled schema but still allows for runtime schema definition. This approach uses builders written in Java (or whatever the primary language is for your application). The field names and all other literal strings used in the schema definitions are defined as static string constants in appropriate Java classes. Functions are used to optimally build schemas eliminating as much redundancy as possible. The advantage of using static declared literal strings is that when you write code to extract the fields from data, you can use the same constants as lookup keys. There is one other advantage of using code. You can use Java Document links between implementation code and schema. One of the disadvantages turning schema into pure data is that a programmer viewing the code may not easily find the schema driving the behavior of the code. When both the functional behaviors and the schema are defined in code, then it is possible to put in easy to follow links between the code to data and the links can be clickable links in an IDE such as IntelliJ.

Expanding Schema Scope

There is already some movement towards  a more dynamic view of schema. The most recent example is graphql. However, graphql has a very limited view of its schema model. There are many things missing that would be useful to have it schema. In fact, many schema solutions do not consider that there is a lot of associated information that can be bound to schema definitions.

There are many examples of such data. The schema could define restricted choice lists for some of its fields, labels for the fields, descriptions of various parts of the schema, bindings to internationalization keys, constraint rules, and so on. But this only the start. Schema can be a seed on which you accrete other aspects of your application definition. For example, if you allow for extended metadata on the types and fields in your schema, you can use the metadata for specifying how the fields or types should be handled by the code, allowing the code to be more “data-driven”. For example, there might be a metadata field that says the field holds the author of the document and because it is the author field, if the acting user is the author, then the user has greater privileges to edit fields in a document. Some date fields may have metadata that describes the rules for how they are populated. Generally the metadata would start getting defined once common patterns were discovered in the code and the code was abstracted to run against data inputs with the data inputs being put into the metadata. As you discover more opportunities for abstraction and capturing common code patterns, more and more data could get attached to your schema.

Implementation Issues

Ok, suppose you are sold on the arguments above. What is actually involved in defining runtime schema? The answer is that you have to use runtime code and data to define the types of constructs you would normally define in compiled code. For example, enums would turn into lists of declared string constants. Fields would be objects with a field name, the type that defines it, whether it is required, the constraints to apply, descriptions, and any other relevant metadata. But this can rapidly get trickier. For example, what if you wish to support parameterized types or generics? This would mean the type of the field would be a generic that would not be defined until a parent type gave the field a type definition. Another possibility is creating unions of types where if one type redundantly defines a field, the definition that is earliest in the list of types being joined would win (or some type of merging rule would be applied). And if you allow generic types and unions of types, then it is possible that you might not give a generic type a definition in an endpoint. Instead the definition of the type would be in the data itself. This would allow for true dynamic types. The definition in this case could be a composition on already defined types. An example might be “List<Items|Prices>” with the pipe symbol indicating a union of the types Items and Prices. This string would occur in the JSON data and it would be used to dynamically determine the type to apply to the data.

When Dynamic Schema

Now, one objection that might be made to runtime schema is that creating application solutions this way is harder and takes more time upfront before you get a working application. That objection has validity, but if the code is created by multiple teams of developers over many years, gets refactored many times, and changes dramatically to fit evolving requirements, the advantages of using runtime schema can be huge. It is when the application becomes a large complex but still growing and evolving construct that the power of data driven abstractions can really be felt. The different abstractions can be tested separately and changes to design usually occur in fewer places and with far fewer side-effects. Also, over time such applications start being much smaller in code size than the traditional sprawling compile-only implementations.


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