Primes One Mod Four

Jan 14 2024

Lately I been revisiting some of my old number theory that I learned decades ago. In particular, there have generally been two principles that I learned about numbers.

  • Primes are essentially random and at numbers of around size N, they appear with density one over the natural logarithm of N.
  • Squares of positive integers are not random. And the density of squares at size N is one over the square root of N, far less often than primes for large N.

So decades ago, I was astounded by the theorem that says every prime congruent to one mod 4 (or have remainder one when dividing by 4) is always the unique sum of two squares. And as I went back through the proof, I also remembered that determining the two positive integers that are used for the two squares was actually quite efficient. To test this out I wrote a Groovy script that calculated the squares for very large numbers. I have successfully used this script to find primes with 400 digits and determine their break down into squares. One of the wonderful things about Groovy is that it can handle arbitrarily large integers with the same Java syntax as for small integers, making the script appear fairly natural.

To execute the code below, go to the Groovy Web Console and copy and paste the code below and execute it. The code, given a value for start, will look for primes greater or equal to start that are congruent to one mod 4. When it finds the primes, it will then break them down into two squares. If you click on the Result tab at the bottom of the web console, it will show you the primes and break down into squares with the number of primes being determined by the value of the count variable.

Also the PDF has a list of strong pseudo primes that you can try out. The script's algorithm to detect primes is fairly simple and can be fooled by strong pseudo primes. I have tried to put in a reasonable defense. The script will, if it detects that the prime is pseudo, will still attempt to break the number down into squares, which it appears to be able to do for the pseudo primes. In the report, the script will, if such a number exists, indicate which generator integer proved that the prime was pseudo and not real.

// See *start* and *count* later in code.

// Used to quickly show an integer is not divisible by any prime 13 or less.
def gridN = 4 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13
boolean[] array = new boolean[gridN]
boolean[] fullArray = new boolean[gridN]
def testN = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]

for (int i = 5; i < gridN; i++) {
   boolean foundIt = false
   for (def n : testN) {
       if ((i % n) == 0) {
            foundIt = true
   if (!foundIt) {
        array[i] = (i % 4) == 1
        fullArray[i] = true

// Find all primes up to *endRange*. We test primes greater than 13 directly against
// any potential prime *p*.
int endRange = 50_000
List<Integer> additionalTestN = []
// Compute primes up to *endRange*.
boolean[] primeArray = new boolean[endRange]

for (int i = 17; i < endRange; i++) {
   if (!primeArray[i] && fullArray[i]) {
       int lastMult = endRange.intdiv(i)
       for (int j = 2; j < lastMult; j++) {
            primeArray[i * j] = true

// Example start numbers.
BigInteger strongPseudoPrime = 1373653 // If you wish to use this, set eliminateSmallFactors to false
BigInteger largerPseudoPrime = 1195_068768_795265_792518_361315_725116_351898_245581 // Pseudo to bases up to 36.
BigInteger smallPrimes = 17
BigInteger superLargePrimes = 1E200 // Primes with 200 digits.

boolean printStartingExamples = false
def startingExamples = [strongPseudoPrime, largerPseudoPrime, smallPrimes, superLargePrimes]

if (printStartingExamples) {

// Change start and count as desired.
BigInteger start = superLargePrimes
int count = 2 // Number of primes to find starting at *start*.

// Whether to eliminate candidates who have prime factors less than *endRange*. Set to false when hunting for pseudo primes.
boolean eliminateSmallFactors = true

int i = 0
BigInteger cur = start
BigInteger end = start + count * 2000

boolean printThoseWithFactors = false

List<S> results = []

while (cur < end && i < count) {
   // Make sure the number is not divisible by prime 13 or less.
   if (array[cur % gridN]) {
       // Eliminate potential primes that have divisors less than *endRange*.
       Integer foundFactor = null
       if (eliminateSmallFactors) {
           for (def n : additionalTestN) {
               if ((cur % n) == 0) {
                   if (cur == n) {
                    foundFactor = n

        def p = cur
       if (foundFactor == null) {
           // Any factor of *p* is now guaranteed to be larger than *endRange* if *eliminateSmallFactors* was true
           println("--[count=${i + 1}] Potential prime ${f(p)}")
            S result = squares(p)
           if (result) {
                def gcd = result.gcd
                println("Result ${result.gcd}[sum-squares=${f(gcd.norm())}] for potential prime ${f(p)}")
           } else {
               // For very large *p*, *p* is likely to still not be a prime, even though not divisible
               // by any prime less than *endRange*.
               println("Cannot find generator for ${f(p)}")
       } else {
           if (printThoseWithFactors) {
                println("--Potential prime ${f(p)} has factor ${foundFactor}")
class S {
    C gcd
    Integer notPrimeGen
    String toString() {
        String notPrimeGenStr = notPrimeGen ? "[notPrimeGen=${notPrimeGen}]" : ""
       "${F.f(gcd.norm())}${notPrimeGenStr} -> " + gcd.toString()

// Find Gaussian integers whose norm is congruent to -1 mod p. We do this looking for potential generators for the cyclic
// group multiplicative group of integers mod p. We also, use this to potentially disprove that `p` is a prime.
S squares(BigInteger p) {
    def r = (p - 1).intdiv(4)
   if (r * 4 != p - 1) {
        println("Potential prime not congruent to 1 mod 4")
       return null
    Integer notPrimeGen = null
    List<Integer> generators = []
    List<BigInteger> powers = []
   // We find all potential generators from a short list. If none of them disprove that *p* is a prime, then *p* is extremely
   // likely to be a prime.
   def toTry = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 37, 325, 9375, 28178, 450775]
   for (def gen : toTry) {
       if (gen >= p) {
        BigInteger pow = powN(gen, r, p)
        BigInteger tPow = (pow * pow) % p
       if (tPow == p - 1) {
       } else if (tPow != 1) {
            notPrimeGen = gen
    String noPrimeMsg = notPrimeGen != null ? ", not prime because of generator ${notPrimeGen}" : ""
    println("Generators = " + generators + noPrimeMsg + ".")
    S retval = null
   if (powers.size() > 0) {
        retval = new S()
        retval.gcd = gcd(new C(p, 0), new C(powers[0], 1))
        retval.notPrimeGen = notPrimeGen
   return retval

// The x to the power r mod n, but do so in C*log(r) steps.
static BigInteger powN(Number xx, Number r, Number n) {
    def x = xx as BigInteger
   if (x < 0) {
        BigInteger t = -x % n
        x = t == 0 ? 0 : n - t

   // Unwrap the more typical recursion algorithm. When the numbers get too large, the recursion exceeds the max
   // Java stack.
   List<Boolean> computeChain = []
    BigInteger curR = r as BigInteger
   while (curR > 2) {
       long b = (curR % 2) as Long

        BigInteger s = (b == 1) ? curR - 1 : curR
        computeChain.add(b == 1)
        curR = s.intdiv(2)
       if (computeChain.size() > 2000) {
           throw new Exception("Too many descent steps on taking exponent mod ${f(n)}")
    BigDecimal startSeed
   if (curR <= 0) {
        startSeed = 1
   } else if (curR == 1) {
        startSeed = x % n
   } else {
        startSeed = (x * x) % n

    computeChain = computeChain.reverse()
    def curVal = startSeed
   for (def b : computeChain) {
        curVal = (curVal * curVal) % n
       if (b) {
            curVal = (curVal * x) % n
   return curVal

// Gaussian integers (the integers in the complex numbers)
class C {
    BigInteger x // Real part
   BigInteger y // Imaginary part
   C(Number x, Number y) {
       this.x = x as BigInteger
       this.y = y as BigInteger

   // Actually the square of the norm.
   BigInteger norm() { return x * x + y * y}

    C conj() {
       return new C(x, -y)

    C mult(C o) {
       return new C(x * o.x - y * o.y, x * o.y + y * o.x)

   // Divide by integer and round to nearest integer for each coordinate
   C round(BigInteger divisor) {
        def xd = round(x, divisor)
        def yd = round(y, divisor)
       return new C(xd, yd)

   static BigInteger round(BigInteger n, BigInteger divisor) {
        BigInteger halfDivisor = divisor.intdiv(2)
       boolean isNeg = n < 0
        def nn = isNeg ? -n : n
        def nnd = nn.intdiv(divisor)
        def remainder = nn % divisor
       if (remainder > halfDivisor) {
           // Round up.
           nnd += 1
       return isNeg ? -nnd : nnd

   // Apply quotient remainder division in Gaussian integers
   C remainder(C d) {
        def p = mult(d.conj())
        def intPart = p.round(d.norm())
        def m = d.mult(intPart)
       return new C(x - m.x, y - m.y)

    C abs() {
       return new C(x.abs(), y.abs())

   boolean isZero() {
       return x == 0 && y == 0

    String toString() {
       return "(" + F.f(x) + "," + F.f(y) + ")"

// Do the Euclidean algorithm for determining Greatest Common Divisor between two Gaussian integers.
def gcd(C x, C y) {
    def curX = x
    def curY = y
   int count = 0
   // Unwrap the more typical recursion algorithm. When the numbers get to large, the recursion exceeds the max
   // Java stack.
   while (true) {
        def rem = curX.remainder(curY)
       if (rem.isZero()) {
           return curY.abs()
        println("x = " + curX + "; y = " + curY + "; remainder=" + rem)
       if (rem.norm() >= curY.norm()) {
           throw new Exception("Remainder failed for ${curX} and ${curY}, and remainder=${rem}")
       if (count++ > 10_000) {
           throw new Exception("Too many iterations of algorithm for GCD")
        curX = curY
        curY = rem

// Class used so other classes can access function *f*.
class F {
   // Format big integer with underscores every six characters (instead of commas every three characters).
   // Generally those who present very large numbers use a separator every six characters instead of every three.
   static String f(Number inN) {
       boolean isNeg = inN < 0
        def n = isNeg ? -inN : inN
        String s = n.toString()
        def l = s.length()
        def beginOffset = l % 6
       if (beginOffset == 0) {
            beginOffset = 6
        StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(s.length() * 2)
       if (isNeg) {
        out.append(s, 0, beginOffset)
       int offset = beginOffset
       while (offset < l) {
            out.append(s, offset, offset + 6)
            offset += 6

       return out.toString()

static String f(Number inN) {
   return F.f(inN)

results.collect {r -> r.toString()}.join("\n")

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