Category: Configuration (2 posts)
Jun 23 2017
Application Configuration
This post (though some time separates this post from the previous) follows a similar theme from prior posts. This time I want to give my thoughts on the general problem of configuration. And when I say configuration, I am not talking about simple things like database connections, load balancers, and deployments. Nor am I talking about the type of configuration usually found in config files consisting of simple name-value pairs providing simple tweaks to the behavior of a running application. Instead I am talking about the type of configuration that can be found in tables or large complex documents.
One mistake, and I believe it to be a mistake, is that in many cases this configuration is supplied through endpoints and a custom administrative interface is created to call these endpoints. Let me give an example. Suppose your software has some large accounts which we will call clients. For each client, the client can supply goods to sell, prices of those goods, rules for allowing discounts, and rules for mechanisms of delivery. You can also imagine that they might also supply rich content around those goods, such as images, descriptions, and technical specifications. These clients sell their goods to buyers for corporations. An example of such an application would be a standard B2B (business to business) commerce web site.
A traditional approach to providing this functionality is for the solution provider to create administrative endpoints, accessible by the client, where the client can provide the content and rules. However, problems begin to arise. For example, if the client wishes to test their configuration on staging servers before they try it out on the production server, simple administrative endpoints may make this awkward. Also, if you already have ten or more clients who have solutions that are similar to the one the client wishes to create, it is difficult for the client to take advantage of the prior art of other clients. And in many cases, you demoed a sophisticated example implementation which the client would like to use as a basis for their own implementation. And if you imagine that the client configuration includes scripts for tweaking behavior, such as algorithms for determining when to offer discounts based on prior behavior of purchase, the configuration can get quite tricky. Also, if the configuration evolves over time and the client wishes to do historical analysis of functionality or if the client wishes to have clean change over from one configuration to another timed at midnight of a particular day, this can get quite tricky using simple endpoints. Administrative endpoints, as a general rule, do not easily lend themselves to implementing version control in their APIs.
Another approach, and the one I advocate, is to use a bundle of configuration files which have name value pairs, tables, and script containing all the desired configuration for a client. If the configuration files include mechanisms for importing other shared file resources or overlaying on other configuration, it is quite possible to create a fairly compact and flexible implementation. The files can be version controlled and pre-existing art can easily be migrated into the new configuration files. And with a bit of cleverness, common implementations can be turned into templates and the templates can be be imported (by reference, not by making copy) into a new configuration and then overlaid by elements of the new configuration.
The usual criticism of this approach is that there is no natural path to a GUI that allows an admin level user to implement their desired configuration in a particular website. However, with some thought this issue can be resolved. An administrative interface can be made to build prototype content for configuration bundles and edit the simpler contents of these files. These files can then be deployed using an admin endpoint to deploy config bundles. However this approach has limitations. Usually the administrative interface can only do relatively simple things and more complex configurations require hand editing of the files. This may appear like a limitation specific to this approach, however this overlooks the fact that the original simple endpoints approach had similar issues. The truth was that administrators were hand crafting JSON to call against the admin endpoints and bypassing the admin GUI anyway.
If your configuration consists of config bundles then the contents of those bundles can easily be versioned controlled by the normal source code control process and can be propagated through staging servers much like changes to source code is propagated. In fact, that is the essential point. Even though the client is doing the work, they are essentially creating source code. You may call it configuration, but many times the havoc wreaked by mistakes in this so-called configuration can be as great or greater than one would get from bugs in source code, especially since configuration tends not to go through the same unit testing and QA process that source code is forced to go through.
So the truth is that you are essentially letting your clients write source code for your system, and you should only allow them to do that if you can version control it for them in your source code repositories. I suspect that when you upload an mobile app to Apple and ask them to approve it that the first thing they do is throw the interior elements of the app into a version control system so they can make it go through a standard QA approval process. They can also use such a storage system to look for similarities with apps they know to have caused problems in the past.
However, one issue comes up immediately when you start using deployable configuration bundles, and this is the focus of this article. When you use endpoints, you can uniquely assign an ID, either a counter or a GUID, to each configuration element. For example, a widget could be uniquely identified by a column in a database table holding an auto-incrementing primary key. But when you do the configuration outside the domain of a particular deployment, all aspects of the configuration must necessarily have external unique global keys to uniquely identify the elements in the configuration. These unique keys must be unique across various deployments and will generally take on a persistent life of their own. And there can easily be thousands or tens of thousands of such keys for truly large scale client configurations. For example, if the widget has mechanical joints and the joints are of a particular type and make, you may need many unique configuration keys to describe all the possibilities.
To recap, you have external configuration files holding large amounts of text content with potentially thousands of unique keys. How do you deal with this situation? I argue that you create a globally available identifier-key server. This server would hold unique string identifiers, called keys and attached to those keys would be various metadata. The metadata could be labels, descriptions, associated choice lists whose contents also refer to other keys, or other useful metadata of all types, and the field names for that metadata would also be keys in your identifier-key server. In order to create a new external unique string in a configuration file, you would have to register it in the identifier-key server first and also verify that another such string could not be used in its place. This has the advantage that when two different clients configure essentially the same widget with the same joints, they would use the same unique keys in naming the widget and those joints. They would also use the same unique keys in the various choice lists of types or kinds of widgets or joints.
If a client were to create a new configuration, they would be advised to see if they can find existing unique keys in the identifier-key server. If they cannot find them, then should first create a configuration bundle with just their proposed new unique string identifiers and that bundle would have to be validated before the full configuration bundle could be considered for deployment.
At first, this may seem like a bit of a encumbrance, but if you set up a bit of admin GUI, you can speed the process along. New unique identifiers are relatively easy to QA and validate and once you have done so, a lot of good things can come from this. One of the biggest is that it can greatly ease the problem of transferring configurations from one environment to another. Since every web instance has access to the contents of the identifier-key server, all of them have a basic underlying understanding of any configuration bundle that might come their way. It can greatly reduce the broken reference problems that tend to plague complex configurations. It can also greatly ease the process of reuse of common configuration templates.
However, other good things can occur. With the identifier-key server, you have a good set of search terms to determine accurately what client is using a particular type of widget with a particular set of joints. You can determine when the keys were first used, who is actively using them, how often they are used, and all other types of useful data mining capabilities. In fact, this idea is not that new. It is generally called providing a data dictionary for your application and data dictionaries can be powerful and useful constructs to force everybody to use the same language to talk about the same things. However, most applications when they create global data dictionaries do not go anywhere far enough with the idea. A data dictionary gets its true power when it penetrates into every unique key construct, no matter how internal or obscure.
Mar 19 2012
Global Reference Tables
This article is about whether certain types of data should be in version control systems and treated as source code or whether they should be in database tables and treated as data. Let us say you are writing a web application which will allow users to input recipes for food. As part of your web application you decide that you need a list of the different types of spices that can be put on food. This table and its related tables would not only list the spices, but the degree of hotness, a little snippet of the history of the spice, the plant that it comes from, methods of extraction from the plant, general popularity of the spice, the typical cost of the spice, the regional areas that favor the spice, the amount normally used for spicing a standard size dish, and tips for usage in creating dishes. The entries in this table and its companion children tables would be referenced by recipes, by users reporting about the usage of spices in message boards, functionality in the web site that determine the hotness of the dish based on the amount of various spices in the dish, recommendations of spices for different types of dishes, lists of spices for different regions in the world and so on. In other words, the table and its associated children tables are an example of a Global Reference Table. I use the singular when referencing a global reference table because the children tables are in some sense owned or subsumed by the root table.
The problem is this. Where is this global reference table stored? The developers writing the application don't know much about spices and do not believe that have the expertise to create an authoritative list of spices, so they know they need input from experts who have knowledge on spices. The first solution is to put the spice list into database tables and create a user interface to allow administrators or trusted users (the so-called experts) to add new spice entries and all the associated information to a spice. The second is to hardwire the choices into tables in a source code file (preferably RDD formatted tables).
The natural urge is to go with the first approach and put the data into database tables because it allows the developers to punt on the general problem of coming up with the list. I believe this is wrong. As counter-intuitive as it might sound, I believe it is better to hardwire the data into source code controlled text files.
Source code control systems (such as “git”) give you more than you might first think. For example, suppose you wanted to add some new spices to support Vietnamese specialties which you were going to feature on your food web site with a new Vietnamese recipe designer mobile app. You would like the new spices and the new functionality for Vietnamese specialties to go out at the same time on your web site. If both were in source code, it would happen naturally as part of your deployment process. Source code versioning systems give you natural large scale synchronized distributed transactions on the behavior of your web site. In sophisticated software development environments, the whole build and deployment process leverages this feature of a source code control system to create targeted builds and deployments that control precisely what you want to have appear in your application.
On the other hand, if the spices were in a database that could be changed by administrators and privileges users, then you would lose the ability to have simple synchronized deployment of new features. Also, if you have demo, test, development, and staging versions of your application which used their own databases, every new spice that had associated code functionality would need to have controlled propagation to all these environments. For example, both the Component Evolution and the Staging to Production problems that create such pain for most mature applications would require quite complex additions to your application to solve. In addition, you could get into serious trouble if some of the administrators and/or trusted users added new spices that anticipated the changes coming from the development group. In that case, you would have colliding definitions and difficulties resolving conflicts. That is another thing version control systems do very well – resolving conflicts from multiple developers.
Suppose you buy the argument that the spice tables should go into a version controlled text file that is bundled with the deployed application. What if you want to let administrators or trusted users to add new spices or modify existing entries? My answer is to turn these contributors into developers. Not all version controlled development activity needs to be done using a text editor or involve writing logical behavior. This is well understood for the artists who create the images and styling of your web pages. I believe a similar approach should be used for controlling the content of your global reference tables.
There is no reason why a web interface that would normally target a database table cannot have proposed modifications captured into a version controlled “diff file”. You compare the table as it is in source code and the proposed new table as desired by a contributor and capture the difference, but unlike with regular file differencing, you capture differences at the table cell level and not by comparing lines of text. When a user saves their changes, they are saved into a “diff” file and committed to a source code control system automatically by the web server that displays the page. Using the RDD model, the “diff files” would be runtime overlays of the existing global reference data. Generally, a group of administrators or trusted users would have a common diff file that they would be editing so that you would not have a proliferation of such files. In some cases, if you wanted to isolate certain changes from the main branch of changes, you could have some administrators and trusted users creating a separate new diff file that was overlaid on top of both the base source file and all the other active diff files. If the contributors wanted to have a coordination of propagating the changes in multiple different global reference tables, they could put diff files being applied to different tables into a single component.
If after a certain period of time, the changes by the administrators and trusted users gained wide spread acceptance, the core group of developers could roll the diff files into the main source file for the reference data, much in the same way they would merge in the changes from a offshoot branch of their main development tree. If a bundle of diffs happened to be captured into a single component, it would make the merging process simpler and easier to understand and control.
In a sophisticated version of this solution, the creators of these “diff” files could view and analyze the history of the changes in the data much as they would in a Wiki site where a user can view the history and changes in the content of a Wiki page. In theory, they would even be free to write suggestions for proposed changes or write comments about the current table content. A very sophisticated solution might let the users edit the tables using an Excel spreadsheet that they can download and upload as they desire just as it is common for users to copy the contents of their Word documents into the edit areas of a Wiki page when editing online page content. Admittedly it would be a major effort to create this functionality, because the files themselves would still be simple text files under the control of standard developer oriented version control system such as “git”. Mapping this functionality to a Wiki page metaphor would require some real labor.