Category: Schema (1 posts) ![[RSS]](/gys/resources/icons/silk/feed.gif)
Nov 14 2018
Dynamic Runtime Schema
If you have read the prior articles in this blog on runtime data differencing, one of the obvious themes is that code should be turned into data whenever it is reasonable to do so. When you take this approach to doing coding and apply it to schema, you find yourself at odds with popular practice. Popular practice is to define schema at compile time. You use reflection to dig through the definition of classes and pull in all the annotations. This is static schema where the entire design of endpoints or tables are defined directly as hardwired artifacts in the code itself. Currently the most dominant version of this approach for Java is Spring Boot and Hibernate. The approach is popular because it has a quick on-ramp to getting a working solution and it, at least initially, can eliminate a lot of boilerplate code. I should say that there are many projects where using compile time schema makes a lot of sense. However, I wish to focus on projects where such an approach does not make sense, since from my google searching, there is little discussion on this point. Click on the triple dots below to see more.